Thursday, July 17

Teen Techies

Club T addressed online resources for teens on July 17. Below are links to some of the information covered in the session.

Websites for Teens 1
Websites for Teens 2

Wednesday, July 2

It's Not to Late

You can still sign up for Teen Summer Reading today!
- Earn prizes for the time you spend reading

- Earn tickets for the Teen Prize Party

- Take part in weekly Club T programs

- Attend weekly Friday and Saturday movies
- and much more.

Monday, June 16

MarioKart Game Day

Click on Image to see larger poster.
Registration is appreciated. Please stop by the library or e-mail or call the contact on the poster to register!

Wednesday, April 16

Super Smash Game Night

MPL will host a Super Smash Brothers Brawl for Teens (13-17) on May 6 from 4-6 p.m. Prizes and refreshments will be available!

Please pre-register at the library's Information Desk or by e-mailing your name, age, and phone number to

Thursday, February 21

Book Suggestion: Lessons From a Dead Girl

In Jo Knowles novel Lessons from a Dead Girl, fifth grade Leah and Laine become fast friends. Leah, who is popular, beautiful and very mature for her age, takes advantage of Leah's quiet and shy ways. Leah slowly convinces Laine to "experiment" in the closet, doing things that Laine feels unsure about and as they get older and into high school Leah becomes less and less sure that Leah has her best intrests in heart.

But when Leah dies in a tragic accident that Laine feels she may have played a part in, Laine is flooded with memories of her relationship with Leah and struggles to understand why Leah, who haunted her her entire life, continues to haunt her after death. In this tragic and moving novel, true friendships are tested as Laine learns the power that a secret can hold over someone and discovers the real meaning of forgiveness.

Tuesday, February 12

Movie Friday!

No School Movie Days begin again this Friday with the showing of the movie based on the book "The Invisible" by Mats Wahl.

Previews begin promptly at 2 p.m.

Popcorn and drinks served.

See you there!

Book Suggestion: Ethan, Suspended

Ethan Oppenheimer never thought much about his life in the suburbs of Pennsylvania until an incident and suspension at school led him to be sent away to his grandparents house in the inner city in Washington D.C. As the only white student in a predominantly African American and Hispanic school, all eyes are on Ethan. Dealing with his grandparents old fashioned ways, his parents divorce, a crush on a girl he can't understandand and trying to find friends in a place where he doesnt feel he belongs, Ethan begins to understand, and regret, the choices that he has made.

Ethan, Suspended in the mist of gang confrontations and digging up information about riots and civil rights, discovers that things that he has never cared too much about may hit closer to home than he had thought. Ethan learns family secrets and discovers that his suspension from school may not be the only reason he was sent to D.C. In this heart warming tale about a young boys transition from a world of PlayStation and junk food to a place where he must realize what truely counts in life, readers will cheer Ethan on and embrace the changes that he makes in this novel.

Tuesday, February 5

Book Suggestion: Spud

For John "Spud" Milton, life as a thirteen year old growing up in South Africa is anything but normal. Not only does he have to deal with the crazy antics of his semi-lunatic father who is scared South Africa is being taken over by communists, but also his senile grandmother who belives everyone has joined in on the plot to rob her of all of her belongs, namely her strawberry jam. To make matters worse, Spud is sent off to an all boys school and encounters some of the most lively (and strange) people that he has ever met.

Written in a journal format, Spud experiences the normalities, and quite a few of the abnormalities, of growing up in an all boys school. From late night swims to excentric quad-mates, Spud's adventures are never short of hilarious.

John van de Ruit really captured the trials and tribulations of a teenage boy in this outrageously funny, quick-witted, and at times, extremely moving first novel.

Watch for: Spud- The Madness Continues... (the sequel)